Insurance Capital Markets Research

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We are specialty (re)insurance quantitative analysts
Our data, analytics and insights help our clients make better decisions

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Unique insights into Lloyd’s syndicates’ performance

The data you need at your fingertips

ICMR.Data gives you unique access to every Lloyd’s syndicate’s performance, including gross underwriting performance by line of business, in a single Excel workbook.

Use ICMR.Data to analyse syndicate whole account performance and by line of business:

  • Peer performance and strategies
  • Premium growth & market share
  • Underwriting and expense performance
  • Gross vs Net profit margin
  • Benchmark relative performance
  • Volatilities and correlations
  • Insurance cycle and strategies

More information Register your interest

The 2024 year-end data will become available in mid-April 2025.

Recent insights

ICMR suggests a sub-90% combined ratio for Lloyd’s based on ‘RISX’

Using the reported data of the RISX index constituents ICMR forecasts Lloyd’s will continue outstanding performance

When Perfect is the enemy of Good

Is the difficulty in launching a new Lloyd’s fund down to focusing on the wrong aspect?

Understanding when listing can be a help or a hindrance

Liquidity versus value creation for listed companies

The LMA and ICMR release Insights Report on Lloyd’s

The Lloyd’s Market Association (LMA) and Insurance Capital Markets Research (ICMR) published a detailed analysis and comment on the Lloyd’s results

The Lloyd’s Insights Report, covers both the performance of the market as a whole and offers a deeper dive into individual syndicate performance. The drivers for growth and profitability are explored for syndicates of differing size and maturity as well as the risk return profiles of the high-level classes of business.

The report includes benchmarking which shows that the market’s performance over the last 20 years is favourable against liquid specialty (re)insurance investment and catastrophe bond indices.

The report is available from the ICMR website.


Insurance Capital Markets Research is the trading name of IC Markets Research Ltd., registered in England & Wales with company number 12561699, VAT number GB447914759