ICMR.Data gives you unique access to every Lloyd’s syndicate’s gross line of business underwriting performance in a single Excel workbook.
Data has been extracted by ICMR from each syndicate’s annual calendar year financial statements. This is the only source of this data. (Note: It is NOT available on Lloyd’s Insights Hub) ICMR has ensured its accuracy through reconciliation at audited syndicate level and Lloyd’s published aggregate accounts.
Data is presented in both reporting currency and GBP, converted at Lloyd’s published exchange rates from Market Bulletins. It is available to buy on a whole calendar year basis.
ICMR.Data is easy to use and understand. The data is broken down by lines of business and mapped into consistent lines across syndicates, so you can easily compare different syndicates and identify trends.
The following table gives an overview of how many syndicates reported performance data in each line of business:
Use ICMR.Data to analyse by line of business and syndicate:
ICMR has curated this gross data back to 2015 year end financial statements. Each new year’s data is available within four weeks of the publication of individual syndicate accounts.
The data gives you unique insights into how each syndicate is performing, so you can make better decisions about your own business.